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# Binary Tree Node class class TreeNode: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value self.left = None self.right = None # Binary Tree class with basic features class BinaryTree: def __init__(self): self.root = None # Insert a new node into the binary tree def insert(self, value): if self.root is None: self.root = TreeNode(value) else: self._insert_recursive(self.root, value) def _insert_recursive(self, node, value): if value < node.value: if node.left is None: node.left = TreeNode(value) else: self._insert_recursive(node.left, value) else: if node.right is None: node.right = TreeNode(value) else: self._insert_recursive(node.right, value) # Inorder traversal (Left, Root, Right) def inorder_traversal(self): return self._inorder(self.root, []) def _inorder(self, node, result): if node: self._inorder(node.left, result) result.append(node.value) self._inorder(node.right, result) return result # Preorder traversal (Root, Left, Right) def preorder_traversal(self): return self._preorder(self.root, []) def _preorder(self, node, result): if node: result.append(node.value) self._preorder(node.left, result) self._preorder(node.right, result) return result # Postorder traversal (Left, Right, Root) def postorder_traversal(self): return self._postorder(self.root, []) def _postorder(self, node, result): if node: self._postorder(node.left, result) self._postorder(node.right, result) result.append(node.value) return result # Find height of the binary tree def find_height(self): return self._find_height(self.root) def _find_height(self, node): if node is None: return -1 # Return -1 for null nodes left_height = self._find_height(node.left) right_height = self._find_height(node.right) return 1 + max(left_height, right_height) # Search for a value in the binary tree def search(self, value): return self._search_recursive(self.root, value) def _search_recursive(self, node, value): if node is None or node.value == value: return node if value < node.value: return self._search_recursive(node.left, value) else: return self._search_recursive(node.right, value) # Find the minimum value in the binary tree def find_min(self): if self.root is None: return None current = self.root while current.left is not None: current = current.left return current.value # Find the maximum value in the binary tree def find_max(self): if self.root is None: return None current = self.root while current.right is not None: current = current.right return current.value # Example usage of BinaryTree class if __name__ == "__main__": tree = BinaryTree() # Insert nodes values_to_insert = [50, 30, 20, 40, 70, 60, 80] for value in values_to_insert: tree.insert(value) print("Inorder Traversal:", tree.inorder_traversal()) # [20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80] print("Preorder Traversal:", tree.preorder_traversal()) # [50, 30, 20, 40, 70, 60, 80] print("Postorder Traversal:", tree.postorder_traversal()) # [20, 40, 30, 60, 80, 70, 50] # Find height print("Height of the tree:", tree.find_height()) # 2 # Search for a value search_value = 40 found_node = print(f"Search for {search_value}: {'Found' if found_node else 'Not Found'}") # Find minimum and maximum values print("Minimum value in the tree:", tree.find_min()) # 20 print("Maximum value in the tree:", tree.find_max()) # 80
Hint: Remember to include output statements in your code, such as print, console.log, printf, fmt.Println() or System.out.println.

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